
To install LangCheck, just run:

# Install English metrics only
pip install langcheck

# Install English and Japanese metrics
pip install langcheck[ja]

# Install metrics for all languages (requires pip 21.2+)
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install langcheck[all]

LangCheck works with Python 3.8 or higher.


Model files are lazily downloaded the first time you run a metric function. For example, the first time you run the langcheck.metrics.sentiment() function, LangCheck will automatically download the Twitter-roBERTa-base model.

To install LangCheck from source, see the Contributing page.

Installation FAQ#

Depending on your environment, you might need to install additional system libraries for pip install langcheck to work.

If you have any problems installing LangCheck, please check the FAQ below or open an issue on GitHub.

1. Installing LangCheck with Python 3.12#

As of February 2024, one of LangCheck’s Japanese dependencies, fugashi, doesn’t provide wheels for Python 3.12, so you’ll need to first install MeCab for pip to successfully build fugashi.

Installing MeCab on Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mecab libmecab-dev mecab-ipadic-utf8

Installing MeCab on macOS

brew install mecab

Installing MeCab on Windows

We haven’t tested LangCheck on Windows with Python 3.12, but it may work if you install MeCab with the official installer.

2. The error message command 'gcc' failed#

As of February 2024, one of LangCheck’s Japanese dependencies, dartsclone, doesn’t provide wheels for Python 3.10+. You’ll need to have gcc installed for pip to successfully build dartsclone.

Most systems already have gcc installed, with the exception of “slim” Docker images such as python:3.11-slim-buster. If you’re using this image, you can:

  1. Use python:3.11-buster instead of python:3.11-slim-buster, which includes gcc.

  2. Run apt update && apt install build-essential -y (e.g. in your Dockerfile) to install gcc.

3. The error message Failed to build sudachipy#

The sudachipy package, which is installed with langcheck[all] or langcheck[ja-optional], does not have a pre-built wheel for ARM64 Linux devices. In this case, you need have a Rust compiler in your environment so that the package can be built in the local environment.

Follow the official documentation and install Rust before installing langcheck.

If you do not need the [ja-optional] dependencies, you can also install each language individually by

pip install langcheck[en,ja,de,zh]

4. The error AttributeError: module 'langcheck.metrics' has no attribute 'ja'#

If you see this error when calling a LangCheck function, such as langcheck.metrics.ja.toxicity(), you probably need to install the Japanese LangCheck package.

Run pip install langcheck[ja] (or for your required language) and try again.

5. The error ModuleNotFoundError#

If you see this error when importing a LangCheck package, such as import langcheck.metrics.ja, you probably need to install the Japanese LangCheck package.

Run pip install langcheck[ja] (or for your required language) and try again.