
This page contains instructions for contributing to LangCheck.

Installing LangCheck from Source#

To install and run the LangCheck package from your local git repo:

# Install the langcheck package in editable mode with dev dependencies
> python -m pip install -e .[all,dev]
# If you are using zsh, make sure to escape the brackets
> python -m pip install -e .\[all,dev\]

# Try using langcheck
# (If you edit the package, just restart the Python REPL to reflect your changes)
> python
>>> from langcheck.metrics import is_float
>>> is_float(['1', '-2', 'a'])
Metric: is_float
prompt generated_output reference_output  metric_value
0   None                1             None             1
1   None               -2             None             1
2   None                a             None             0

Running Static Checks#

We have static checks with ruff and pyright. Please make sure that your code passes those two commands before you submit a pull request.

ruff check src/ tests/
pyright .

Running Tests#

To run tests:

# Run all tests
> python -m pytest -s -vv

# Run non-optional tests only
> python -m pytest -s -vv -m "not optional"

# Run optional tests only (this requires optional Japanese tokenizers like Mecab)
> pip install .[optional]
> python -m pytest -s -vv -m "optional"


To make documentation:

  1. Optional: Re-generate all docs/langcheck*.rst files.

    • sphinx-apidoc -f --no-toc --separate --module-first -t docs/_templates/ -o docs src/langcheck/ src/langcheck/ src/langcheck/metrics/model_manager

    • Warning: This will overwrite all of our custom text in the .rst files, so you must check the code diffs for UPDATE_AFTER_SPHINX_APIDOC comments and manually re-apply them.

    • This is only necessary when you add or remove entire packages/modules. If you only edit existing packages/modules, you can skip this step.

    • This only modifies the auto-generated docs/langcheck*.rst files (the “API Reference” section in the docs). It doesn’t touch the and other .md or .rst files.

    • This uses autodoc to generate .rst files at the package/module-level.

  2. Re-generate all docs/_build/*.html files from the raw .rst and .md files.

    • make -C docs clean html

    • This uses autodoc to populate .html files at the function-level.

    • Note: you’ll see warnings like “more than one target found for cross-reference ‘MetricValue’”. Sphinx seems to get confused when we import a module’s classes into its parent package’s This seems to be harmless and there doesn’t seem to be a way to suppress it.

  3. View documentation locally

    • python -m http.server -d docs/_build/html


To publish a new version of LangCheck:

  1. Increment the version in pyproject.toml and src/langcheck/

  2. Cut a new release on GitHub with release notes

  3. Build the package

> python -m pip install build twine
> python -m build
> twine check dist/*
  1. Publish to PyPi

# Follow auth token instructions at

# TestPyPi
> twine upload -r testpypi dist/*

# PyPi
> twine upload dist/*
  1. Log into ReadTheDocs and activate the new version on the “Versions” tab