Source code for langcheck.augment.en._payload_splitting

from __future__ import annotations

from .._common._payload_splitting import payload_splitting_common

[docs] def payload_splitting( instances: list[str] | str, *, num_perturbations: int = 1, seed: int | None = None, ) -> list[str]: """Applies payload splitting augmentation to each string in instances. Ref: Args: instances: A single string or a list of strings to be augmented. num_perturbations: The number of perturbed instances to generate for each string in instances. Should be equal to or less than the number of templates. seed: The seed for the random number generator. You can fix the seed to deterministically choose the indices to split the instances. Returns: A list of perturbed instances. """ return payload_splitting_common( instances, "en", num_perturbations=num_perturbations, seed=seed, )